About us

Akshat International
The AKSHAT INTERNATIONAL TRUST is a Non-Governmental Organization Registered under INDIANTRUSTACT, 1882Registered on JULY 2019 Since Inception it has the existence in many years in the field of imparting General Education.TheTrust was established with basic aim of providing social services to all community but particularly to womenandyouthsothey may become self-depend & stand on their own feet. Such social services include Handicappedwelfare, education,Health, Nutrition, Family Welfare, Development of education, Women’s and child development andlivelihoodProgram,Awareness in sanitation etc. The main aim of the Trust to provide securities and alertness among womenandgirlchild&technical training to these poor Class families mentioned above so they may become self- reliant.

The main Theme and objective of the organization is to organize all kinds of development service for the greater benefit of down-trodden Communities women of remote rural and socio economically handicapped sectors of urban areas particularly schedule Tribes. Schedule Cast and even of Socioeconomically handicapped sectors of remote rural and Urban areas as well as for longstanding perspective of sustainable Socioeconomic development by creating source of permanent income generation and the main them of the objective of the organization is to impart innovative moderate skills development training Program among the underprivileged socioeconomically handicapped sectors down trodden Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes Communities of remote rural and urban areas as well.
in order achieve these objective Trust has been carrying different activities. These activities include training to youth for beautician, Mobile repairing, sewing Embroidery to youth, Income generating Program etc. In addition to it Trust has been carrying out different other Program like organization of Awareness Camps, Seminars & workshops on environment, pollution control, consumer protection, etc. All these Program are carried by Trust through its own resources. The Trust has been regularly conducting Education Program aimed towards the benefit of the masses and more particularly the people below the poverty line. The Program has got recognition and appreciation from both the Trust and the authorities.
The Trust has resolved to work for literacy Program under theme “Literacy for all” under this Program, women’s, laborers, small traders, and poor population were motivated for literacy. About several people were motivated and provided basic education and skill development. In Field of moral education ,the Trust has organized Program in Association with the schools of the District- SHEOHAR, (BIHAR) uphold the moral of the school going children and has regularly been organizing Program aimed at increasing awareness and respect for the inherent Indian culture and traditions. The effects of the Program have been enormous in terms of improvement in the moral values of the school children covered in the project.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide socioeconomic inclusion through innovation and sustainable modelsthatdeliver scalable solutions. To promote economic and developmental activities for the benefit of the backward sectionsamongstthe Minorities, preference being given to the occupational groups and women.
- Promote Economic Activities through provision of Concessional Finance.
- Improving the socio - economic well-being of the Trust. Particularly for the less fortunateandunderprivileged members and enable them to live up to the potential that they all possess.
- Creating an inclusive development paradigm that serves all Indians, and to deliver societal benefitsto all geographical regions of the country without any regional, linguistic, caste, creed, religiousorother barriers.
Our Mission
Our aim is to to support interventions that resolve select primary issues faced in sustainable development. Whilst doing so, we shall conform to statutes and policies and adhere to the principles of responsible business practices.. We provide equitable, affordable and quality healthcare services to the people of India.
At the centre of its philosophy is a strong primary healthcare system with a maj or focus on preventive and primitive healthcare. we strives to improve the health status of medical lyunder served population by fostering the provision of high quality, comprehensive health care that is accessible, coordinated, community-directed, culturally- sensitive, and linguistically competent. One of
the highly prioritized goals of our programs and service is the preservation, stabilization, and rehabilitation of our dysfunctional families. Various program and services are designed to strengthen and support families and give people in distress a sense of hope. We uses a holistic, integrated service delivery model.
Essential to this mission is excellence in:
- Intellectual asset creation through discovery, research and development
- State-of-the-art manufacturing capabilities
- Internationally benchmarked quality and regulatory systems
- New medical insight through disease specific clinical research
- Customer relationship through outstanding products and services
- Human resource development through training, mentoring and empowering
- Management of research and business partnerships