Akshat International Trust
The AKSHAT INTERNATIONAL TRUST is a Non-Governmental Organization Registered under INDIANTRUSTACT, 1882Registered on JULY 2019 Since Inception it has the existence in many years in the field of imparting General Education.TheTrust was established with basic aim of providing social services to all community but particularly to womenandyouthsothey may become self-depend & stand on their own feet. Such social services include Handicappedwelfare, education,Health, Nutrition, Family Welfare, Development of education, Women’s and child development andlivelihoodProgram,Awareness in sanitation etc. The main aim of the Trust to provide securities and alertness among womenandgirlchild&technical training to these poor Class families mentioned above so they may become self- reliant.
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- If you want to support women empowerment, donate now.
- If you want to support poor girl's education, donate now.
Akshat International Vission
Our vision is to provide socioeconomic inclusion through innovation and sustainable modelsthatdeliver scalable solutions. To promote economic and developmental activities for the benefit of the backward sectionsamongstthe Minorities, preference being given to the occupational groups and women.
"Akshat International Trust" is here to support poor people
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What Authorities and Managements are talking about Akshat International.
I welcome you all to an outstanding learning community where everyone is dedicated to a high standard of excellence. We truly have a fantastic school with a supportive and involved parent community, dedicated and highly skillful staff, excellent resources and buildings and the most fantastic students to work with.

Smt. Priyanka Singh
I strongly believe that true education should instill knowledge, creativity, tradition and Culture among the children and we Directors along with faculties work together to motivate the children to perform well in every walk of their journey towards noble citizens of tomorrow.

Sanjeev Kumar Singh
Children are the most precious asset for us. We expect all the children to do their role as best as they can and aspire to excel in diverse fields. Also we would like to have a mutual support and partnership from parents and we request the parents to actively participate in their child’s school activities.

Reena Devi
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Helping people those who in need
Akshat International Trust is helping Women Empowerment, Poor People, Girl Child and much more social services.
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